With spring-like weather on the way, Pass It On wingshooting events are being added to the calendar. The program has several part-time, trained wingshooting instructors who have considerable experience working with beginning shooters. From now through next fall, the guys will be on the road conducting clinics at outdoor skills events organized by KDWP staff, conservation group chapters, and other organizations. Each instructor has a fully-equipped trailer with portable target launchers, semi-automatic 20-gauge shotguns, shells, targets, and safety equipment. I usually get the chance to help with several clinics each year, and I've always enjoyed them. The minimum age is around 10 -- they need to have enough upper-body strength to hold and handle the shotgun safely. Over the past eight years, I've worked with hundreds of young shooters and to a kid, they've all been well-behaved, polite and respectful. I know these kids aren't all little angels, but in the brief time I've spent working with them, they've been a joy to be around. I believe it's because kids respond positively to the direct one-on-one attention we give them at the clinics. We're outside and doing an activity that is fun and exciting, so it's not hard to keep their attention. I believe there may be something to the "nature deficit disorder" theory Richard Louv writes about in his book Last Child In The Woods. I believe that parents who spend the time teaching their children to hunt and fish build healthy relationships with their children and those children have an advantage over those who don't get that attention. If you're interested in finding out about a Pass It On event near you, call me at 620-672-0765.
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