Taking a child turkey hunting this spring is a big deal – both for you and for the youngster. I hope those making plans are looking forward to opening morning with anxious anticipation. In fact, the anticipation – looking forward to the hunt is almost as much fun as the hunt. Preparation for an upcoming hunt not only will make you and your young hunter more likely to be successful, but it is also a big part of the hunting experience.
Preparation should start now, and it can be as simple as an evening drive in the area you plan to hunt. Seeing a flock of turkeys feeding in a field is a great way to build confidence and excitement. Spring time is also a great time to see rooster pheasants boldly strutting and crowing along the back roads, waterfowl gathered in roadside potholes, and deer on the move.
Get your young turkey hunter a couple of turkey calls so he or she can start practicing now. The easiest to operate is probably the push-button-type call, but with a little practice, a box call is easily mastered. I still enjoy playing with – I mean practicing with my turkey calls, so imagine how a youngster preparing for his or her first turkey hunt will feel.
A short trip to the gun range to practice shooting at a turkey head target should be on the list. This will teach the shooter proper aim point, help select a good load and choke, and it will build confidence. Talk to the youngster about being in the right position to reduce movement. Have the hunter wear a hat, facemask and gloves, and talk through a likely scenario.
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