There are a variety of Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks programs designed to recruit new hunters and anglers. All efforts are in response to a declining trend in the number of Kansans who purchase hunting and fishing licenses, as well as the desire to see our outdoor heritage passed on. But the positive impact of teaching youngsters about the outdoors may go much deeper than merely passing on a heritage.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I truly believe fishing is good for your health. Here's why: First, there are the obvious attributes. Going fishing gets you outside and usually there is some  exercise involved. Fresh air, exercise and being outside is good for your body. Second, fishing is good for your mental outlook. Fishing can take your mind off of whatever worries or stresses are weighing on you. Spending an hour or two fishing can truly relax your mind and refresh your outlook. And third, fishing can improve your relationships with family and friends. Spending a couple hours helping your child catch a fish or learn to cast a spinning reel will benefit both of you.

Several years ago, a single mother called me to ask about the Pass It On program. Her son was interested in hunting, and she was unsure how to help him get involved. She was from an urban environment and guns scared her. However, she noticed how different her son was when he went fishing with his cousins. Being outdoors fishing had a calming effect on her son, and it resulted in an improvement in his behavior. I admired her for her willingness to overcome deep-seated fears to help her young son.

Of course fishing isn't for everyone, but most people will benefit from spending time fishing. Think of it as a form of self improvement. Go fishing today.

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