There are a variety of Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks programs designed to recruit new hunters and anglers. All efforts are in response to a declining trend in the number of Kansans who purchase hunting and fishing licenses, as well as the desire to see our outdoor heritage passed on. But the positive impact of teaching youngsters about the outdoors may go much deeper than merely passing on a heritage.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Best Christmas Gifts

I know now that our family went through some lean times financially when I was young, but Mom and Dad kept me from realizing it then. They somehow always managed to make sure my sister and I had the things we needed. At Christmas, we weren't lavished with lots of expensive gifts, but I always felt special. Mom and Dad would prod us for one gift we really wanted, and we usually got it. I didn't have expensive tastes then, but I usually wanted something that had to do with hunting and fishing. I still have a Weaver variable power rifle scope I got my twelfth Christmas. It's still attached to the .22 rifle that belonged to my Granddad, who gave it to my father, who gave it to me. And I still remember the Christmas I opened a large, rectangular box to find a beautiful Remington BDL .243 bolt action rifle. I hadn't asked for it, thinking it too expensive, but Mom and Dad somehow managed to buy it for me. I killed my first mule deer with that rifle the following fall, and even though I don't rifle hunt much anymore, it's one of my most prized possessions. I recently loaned it to a friend so he could take his grandson deer hunting. He wondered if I was interested in selling it. I just laughed and said I could never part with that gun. It's far too special because it carries the memories of that Christmas and all the hunts that came after.

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