With most of our hunting seasons closed or winding down, you might be thinking that Pass It On activities will have to wait until next fall. But there is one more season that might be perfect for young hunters -- the spring turkey season. We kick off our spring turkey season with a generous youth season, beginning on April 1 and going through April 12 this year. During these 12 days, youth 16 and younger can hunt with any legal equipment while under the supervision of an adult mentor. They will need a turkey permit and 16-year-olds will also need a hunting license. (The early season is also open to archery hunting and hunters with disabilities, but hunting pressure is light.) A spring turkey hunt is perfect for new hunters for a variety of reasons. First, hunting is very controlled. Hunters usually select a hiding spot or pop-up blind and sit tight while trying to call a gobbler into range. The adult can sit with the youngster, controlling all aspects of gun safety, whispering instructions as a bird approaches. The weather can be mild and spring is a great time to be in the woods watching wildlife. A typical morning hunt may only last a couple of hours, and it doesn't have to be physically demanding. And there's nothing more exciting than having a strutting gobbler approaching the blind and gobbling in response to your calls. The target is stationary and success rates can be high. Kansas turkey populations are generally very good. The only negative is that spring turkey hunting can be quite addictive, and many who try it become hopelessly obsessed. It's time to start planning a spring turkey hunt.
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